Monday, March 11, 2013

Team One Sweet World - Daily Flight Plan Introduction

Hello Ladies! 

I am thrilled that you have decided to join me in this first ever run of the Daily Flight Plan!  This will be an iterative tool that grows and changes as I find things that work, get feedback from you all, as well as from other Directors on my approach.  My intent is that this is a helpful daily tool, applicable to each of your businesses, regardless of your rank or title within the Scentsy Family, and that you'll give this fifteen minutes each day to accomplish the tasks that come out in the Flight Plan.  No more, no less.  Perfectionism MUST be a thing of the past, or you run the risk of burning yourself out, and letting your business fall to the wayside, and I want nothing more than to help you succeed!

15 Minutes?
     Yes, fifteen minutes!  This means, when you get to your dedicated time to knock out the activities in the Flight Plan, set a timer.  Do not get caught up in perfecting details - accomplish the tasks as quickly as you can and get on with your day!  By no means, am I saying that fifteen minutes a day is what we will all be able to work our businesses and be successful, this is simply a tool to help you re-focus on the foundational pieces of running your business, so don't go overboard or let any of this overwhelm you.
     If you don't finish a task in fifteen minutes, complete as much as you can, and come back to it next time we hit that topic (we'll circle back on it, promise!).  After this first month of Daily Flight Plans, you'll be ready to change this routine to adjust for the scale you intent to grow your business.  Also, during the month, you'll have added at least one party to your calendar, so the tasks that come along with entering your party into the workstation are not figured into these fifteen minutes.  Outside of the 'busy-ness' of business, this will unfold a solid roadmap to help keep or get you on track to help you hit on each of the keys to successful growth of your SF Business:

  • Selling
  • Sponsoring
  • Hostess Coaching
  • Business Tools/Organization

What's my first assignment?
     Day one of the Flight Plan begins tomorrow (Monday, March 11th), so you have a little bit of homework before you jump into your first assignment tomorrow.  Take some time to look at your family schedule, and determine a dedicated time to accomplish your Daily Flight Plan tasking.  You need fifteen minutes of uninterrupted time - it can be at 5:30 AM, or 5:30 PM, but it is imperative this becomes a part of your daily routine.  Identify the time, and work that time.  If you decide it needs to change over time based on family/work/school needs, absolutely make the change, just make sure that your time is as consistent as possible.  When it's part of your routine, it becomes second-nature!

Final thoughts before we jump in......

  • Have FUN!
  • You can do anything for fifteen minutes!
  • Some tasks may seem menial, or perhaps you have already done them - what have you got to lose by doing them again?  Give this a real shot, and see where it takes you!
  • Here we go!!  The First Flight Plan is on it's way very soon!

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